Organisation : An autonomous body working as per the guidelines of the West Bengal state government
Employee : A doctor ( in service for more than 20 years) in its health department
Place of posting 1 : In the heart of the city of Kolkata
Type of posting : Ward Health Unit + Malaria Clinic
Conveyance availed by the doctor to reach the place of posting : Auto, Metro-rail, Bus
Time taken to reach place of posting : 30 mins
Reason of transfer : The doctor was having a jolly good time
Duration of posting : about 6 months
Comments by substaff : Never worked with such a capable doctor. The job had no provision for seeing patients. The doctor utilised his time teaching lab-techs and field workers the intricacies of malaria and dengue fever. He reconstructed a 15 day spray schedule for the fild workers
Place of posting 2 : In the eastern outskirts of the city of Kolkata
Type of posting : Dispensary with no pharmacist and a frequently absenting lab-tech
Conveyance availed by the doctor : Auto, Metro-rail, Bus, Auto/Bus
Time taken to reach place of posting : 45 mins
Reason of transfer : Strict attendance. The doctor was instrumental in bringing to light huge shortages in medicine. Authority wanted to sleep on the issue but the doctor was adamant
Duration of posting : 1 month
Comments by substaff : Thank god we have been saved
Place of posting 3 : In Kolkata-East
Type of posting : Dispensary + Ward Health Unit + DOTS centre + Malaria Clinic + Kolkata Slum Improvement Project.
Conveyance availed by the doctor : Auto, Metro-rail, Bus, Auto
Time taken to reach place of posting : atleast 1 hour
Present duration of posting : nearly 2 months
What the doctor has done so far : Literally given a facelift to the place. Ensured strict attendance. Started seeing patients after a gap of almost 15 years
Comments and action taken by substaff : The doctor has been subjected to character assasination. The move boomaranged. Many substaff are displeased. Some ask why the doctor is so different from the rest. The doctor is again due to be transferred as per my information.
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